"We live by stories, we also live in them... If we change the stories we live by, quite possibly we change our lives." (Ben Okri)
This intimate and powerful feature documentary, Drunk on Too Much Life follows the filmmaker's 21-year-old-daughter’s mind-opening journey from locked-down psych ward and countless medications towards expansive worlds of creativity, connection and greater meaning. On their journey, they meet trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté and begin to question the widespread idea that mental illness should be understood in purely biological terms They learn the myriad ways that madness has meaning that goes far beyond brain chemistry. Recovery is not a straight path to being cured but a crooked and bumpy journey and series of small awakenings.
A grass-roots celebration of holistic care through self-awareness, family connection, supportive communities and peer-support, Drunk on Too Much Life shows how lasting healing and transformation happens on each of these levels simultaneously: in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our society at large.
Subject Areas: Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Disability Studies, Mad Studies, Education, Special Education, Narrative Medicine, Creative Arts.