See Memory is a groundbreaking 15-minute film by painter and filmmaker Viviane Silvera, who blends art and science to explore the dynamic nature of memory. With a dual degree in psychology, Silvera brings together these two fields to create a captivating visual journey.
See Memory delves into the dynamic reconstructive nature of memory, using the visual power of 30,000 hand-painted stills animated through stop-motion to express complex scientific insights. See Memory brings to life the work of experts including Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel and other leaders in the field of memory research. The visual storytelling highlights the differences between explicit memories (the ones we talk about) and implicit memories (unconscious memories), with evolving brushstrokes shifting in color, mood, and emotion to mirror the brain’s processes of forming, altering, and storing memories.
At the heart of See Memory is an empowering message: memories are flexible, and therapeutic techniques can help individuals reshape their relationship with trauma, fostering healing and self-discovery. The film beautifully illustrates how sharing and processing trauma can lead to emotional freedom.