Celebrating New Day Films 2022 New Releases

A turbulent year is coming to an end, and New Day Films has been there with fingers on the pulse, in the thick of it all.
As we've done for the past 51 years (!), our filmmakers have addressed the social and political issues of the day, with vision and creativity, in ways that generate discussion, critical thinking and social action.
Some of the topics and subject matter covered by our 2022 New Releases involve:
- Mental health and suicide; an ocean's-eye views of climate change; anti-Asian violence; college prep competition pressures; autism identity…
As well as:
- the aftereffects of war and trauma; slavery reparations; deportation struggles; teens navigating divorce; environmental refugees; white supremacy…
Not to mention:
- New York City Land Trusts; surviving prison; prospecting for gold; Cuban youth brigadistas; the science of memory, and Jesus revisited.
Here is a list of our 2022 New Releases. Please click on the links below for more info:
- Deej by Robert Rooy
- Drunk on Too Much Life by Michelle Melles
- Into the Dark by Michael O Snyder
- Love After War: Saving Love, Saving Lives by Mitchell Tepper
- Manifest Destiny Jesus by Josh Aaseng and T. Geronimo Johnson
- Not Your Model Minority by Jon Osaki
- Rabble Rousers by Kelly Anderson
- Reparations by Jon Osaki
- Scattering CJ by Andrea Kalin
- See Memory by Vivane Silvera
- Silvio Rodriguez: My First Calling by Catherine Murphy
- Split Up: The Teen Years by Ellen Bruno
- Stop Time by Kate Way
- Taking Off the Mask by Kurt Otabenga Orterson
- That Which Once Was by Kimi Takesue
- The Art of Un-War by Maria Niro
- The Prospector by Michelle Aguilar
- Three Ocean Advocates: Inspiring Change by Andrea E. Leland
- Try Harder! by Debbie Lum
Thank you for supporting New Day Films! In these fast-changing times, New Day Films will help unpack the stories that are making a difference, offer fresh perspectives, and help students, educators and the public-at-large grapple with the social issues affecting our communities and the world around us.
Visit our full collection of films at newday.com.