Streaming Support


Setting up and managing streaming film licenses.

Common Streaming Questions

Streaming License Options

New Day offers highly flexible streaming options. You may purchase a single title, a customized collection, or our entire catalog. Most New Day films are also available on the Kanopy streaming service.

14-day, 1-year, and 3-year licenses: Single title streaming is available with three different license durations. The cost includes classroom rights and an institutional viewing option. See each film title for pricing.

Full Catalog Streaming: License our entire streaming catalog, or curate your own selection of titles. We regularly add new films to our catalog, and they automatically start streaming under all existing full collection licenses. To explore cataloge streaming, please contact us as

Life of File licenses: This license gives customers access to a streaming file through our website in perpetuity. Downloads are not available directly from the website with this option, so please contact us at to discuss a Digital Site License (digital file download).

Terms of each license begin at purchase. Just add your institution’s IP address or IP address range to your profile or use our Email-based access.

Set Up and Manage Streaming

How do I set up and manage streaming (for purchasers and librarians)?

To manage access to your streaming purchases, log into New Day and click on the Streaming Licenses tab of your user profile. That tab contains information about what streaming licenses you have purchased and their expiration dates. There are additional tabs on your profile for configuring your IP Authentication and viewing Customer Analytics about users who have accessed films through your streaming licenses.

If you have any general questions regarding our platform, or for technical support, please contact Karen Knox at

IP Address Authentication for On-Campus Viewing

You can configure IP addresses from your institution’s network that New Day’s servers will use to recognize requests for video access. When configured properly, users with an IP address that falls within the list of authorized IP addresses will be granted access to view videos without further authentication. This is ideal for anyone who wishes to access videos from an on-campus location where you can predict the source IP address of your users. Authentication is seamless, and the user will never be prompted to log in.

To configure the IP addresses for institution, log into your New Day customer account, The interface for adding IP addresses for your institution is in a profile tab titled IP Authentication. (These were previously reached via the “Licensee Tools” link that was on the top right of the old streaming landing page.)

You may need to contact your library or IT department for the IP address ranges for your institution. To use IP addresses to authenticate users who are off-campus, you must use a proxy server, as described in the next section.

Note: For the moment, only IPV4 IP address ranges are supported. IPV6 range support is in development.

Proxy Servers for Off-Campus Viewing

If your institution is using IP address authentication to provide access to New Day streaming films, you may need to provide a proxy server to ensure that your users have access to films you have purchased even when they are off-campus.

A proxy server will allow requests to appear as if they are coming from your institution's network, even if the user is located elsewhere, allowing New Day to see that someone should have the access they need.

The most commonly used proxy server by academic institutions in EZproxy. If your institution has an EZproxy server, please contact your administrator to add the following stanza to your configuration:

T New Day Films

Once the proxy server has been configured, you must also make sure that its IP address is included in the on-campus network ranges provided. Instructions for entering those IP addresses are in the section above.

If you cannot provide a proxy server, an additional option for off-campus access is our email-domain authentication, which may be used in lieu of a proxy server, as described in the next section.

Note: If you previously created an EZproxy stanza for New Day or used other services such as Open Athens, your documentation may contain references to These lines may lead to broken links and films that no longer stream. Everywhere you have references to, you must update to for your licensed films to stream properly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Email-Domain Authentication for Off-Campus Viewing

Email-domain authentication facilitates access to streaming films from home or any location. This feature is automatically available to any organization or institution with a .edu, .org, or .us email domain, and can be made available to institutions with other domains upon request.

Here are the steps.

1. Purchase a streaming license on using your institution's email address containing .edu, .org, or .us.

2. Instruct students, employees, or others from your institution to enter their own email address in order to request access to purchased films here:

3. After entering their .edu, .org, or .us address into the form, viewers will receive an email with a single-use link to authenticate their email address. Institutions without a .edu, .org, or .us domain may contact us to have their domain whitelisted.

4. After clicking that authentication link, the viewer will confirm their email and be brought to the Licensed Films page which lists films available for streaming that have been purchased by your institution.

5. Clicking a film will bring the viewer to the film overview page, where they will learn more about the film, and may view it by pressing the orange “Watch Now” button.

Note: If your institution has licensed the full New Day Films collection, the Licensed Films page will instruct viewers to visit the film pages in order to watch any streaming title in the catalog.

On-campus and proxy server authentication are still available based on registered IP addresses. Customers can also view their own licensed films on the Streaming Licenses tab of their user profiles.

If you have any questions, please contact us for clarification or assistance.

Streaming Help

How does New Day streaming work?

We offer streaming with licensing terms of 14 days, one year, three years, five years, and in-perpetuity (life of file). We also license our entire collection and can customize collections.

For institutions: When you purchase a streaming license, you can enter your campus IP addresses in the IP Authentication tab of your user profiles, to allow the film to be streamed by anyone on campus.

For distance learning: New Day streaming works with your proxy server to provide streaming for off-campus viewers. We also offer email-based authentication, so anyone with your institution's .edu or .org address can stream your purchases. For more information, see the Email Authentication FAQ.

For individuals: If you're a student accessing a licensed film from on campus, you should be able to navigate to the licenced film and click the Watch Film button. If you are off-campus, you may need to log into your school's proxy server, or use the email access system.

What are your streaming formats?

The files used for the New Day streaming platform are H.264 MPEG-4 files processed to enable adaptive streaming. The files should not have any issues playing back on most devices.

What payment methods can I use?

We accept all major credit cards and Purchase Orders.

What are your Terms of Service for streaming licenses?

Find our Terms of Service here.

The video doesn't play or takes a long time to buffer.

The videos are intended to be streamed using a high-speed internet connection. Using a slow connection may cause the video to delay. If the videos frequently pause to buffer, you are not maintaining a fast enough connection in order to watch our videos. Please contact your network administrator.

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