Bann Roy
Introduction (2-3 lines)
Bann Roy was born in India and moved to Los Angeles in 1993. After earning a Masters degree in documentary production from the University of Southern California, Roy began his career as an editor for network television shows.
Over the next 11 years he went on to direct the award-winning documentaries Pepino Mango Nance, For Here or To Go? and Six Weeks. Each of Roy's films, including Taking The Heat has examined the lives of a marginalized human beings; Pepino chronicles the life of an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles, For Here depicts the dilemmas faced by an international student in America and Six Weeks explores a rehabilitation program for at-risk youth in crime-ridden Compton. Roy is currently in production of a cine-verite documentary, work-titled Betty and Oree. It is a love story of a homeless couple living on Hollywood Boulevard.