Two Rivers

An inspirational knockout about a DACA Dreamer who became his American town's first pro boxer.
Year Released
Film Length(s)
18 mins
Closed captioning available
Remote video URL


DACA Dreamer Alejandro Jimenez trains for his next fight as New Hope, Pennsylvania's first professional boxer, as the nation debates his worthiness to be here.


Alejandro Jimenez fled Oaxaca, Mexico as a child and survived the desert to fight for a better life. As DACA policies and his status remain embattled in America, he trains tirelessly to embody the best of both his countries: his homeland, and the one he calls home.

Two Rivers celebrates the immigrant story in America, looking back at how Presidents of both parties have uplifted and disparaged these new arrivals; looking ahead at the best our country has to offer when we uplift our champions. Centered around Alejandro's relationship with his Coach, Puerto Rican-American Mark Roxey, the film provides an intimate and inspiring look at a surrogate father raising a son born to two worlds.

Awards and Screenings

Immigration Film Fest
Justice Film Festival
Home is Distant Shores Film Festival
Huntington Beach Cultural Cinema Showcase
Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival

Director Commentary

Alejandro grew up fifteen minutes down the road from me. Our lives unfolded in parallel. Our experiences, our journeys, our possibilities and dreams were largely influenced by which side of an arbitrary border we were born on. A border that keeps entrenching each year and that some in this nation offer to heavily fortify in exchange for political currency. That we can live so close to so many stories and find ourselves so far apart on issues of social justice and equity, divided by the feverpitch of elections and the daily expression of our siloed beliefs, is simply because we haven't met. I believe that entirely. Community is the answer. Once we learn someone's story, once we put a face and a name to an issue, it stops being some abstract separateness and becomes the lives, struggles, and aspirations of our friends and fellows. We foster a more compassionate bridge until "the other" is no longer apart from us, but a part of our collective whole. With Two Rivers, I sought to bring Alejandro's story to the people who'd never met him, sharing an inspiring, poignant, humorous, and, yes, hard-hitting look at the newest generation of immigrations in a country that has been shaped and defined by them. Voices of hope are needed now more than ever. Alejandro and his coach tap into the very essence of the American Dream with a relatability and humor that is immediately accessible and engaging.

Features and Languages

Film Features

  • Closed Captioning
  • Subtitles

Film/Audio Languages

  • English

Subtitle/Caption Languages

  • English

Promotional Material

Promotional Stills

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