...The lion's share of the program is devoted to women's responses revealed in thoughtful one-on-one interviews with the filmmaker. This diverse group, consisting of both young and middle-aged women, both white and of color, including a judge. a university professor, and a former "Miss California ". By cross-cutting these interview segments Clements makes this unwieldy material entertaining and also creates a framework for the presentation-which is narrated by the filmmaker and punctuated by clips from her own family's home movies. Clements' letter to her sister-delivered both as written comments and as a dreamy narration, against the background of the home movies, shown in slow motion-urges viewers to slow down and take a closer, more careful look. Several of her questions remain unanswered and invite further consideration. The video achieves its goals through a subtle interplay of visuals (interview segments, archival footage, and animation) and commentary. A catchy keyboard soundtrack stitches the production together into a nearly seamless whole. Highly recommended for all libraries, for use by women's groups and in related programs.