Examining Films on Resistance Movements - Feb 23 at 2pm EST

Reframe and Refresh: Examining Films on Resistance Movements
Thursday, Feb 23rd at 2:00pm EST
Join us online for an insightful conversation on “Examining Films on Resistance Movements” as part of our ongoing Reframe & Refresh series. This discussion will explore different ways that filmmakers have documented resistance, protest and advocacy within social movements. Join Kelly Anderson, director of Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Copper Square, Lisa Molomot, director of Safe Haven and Betty Yu, multimedia artist, activist and co-founder of Chinatown Art Brigade for sneak peeks at these new films and an exciting conversation. Moderated by Pam Sporn, New Day Films, director of Detroit 48202: Conversations Along a Postal Route.
Register here to join https://reframe223.eventbrite.com
You will receive the link to join the discussion in your email after registration. Auto-captions will be available.
REFRAME AND REFRESH is a series for the education and filmmaking community to have refreshing conversations that reframe our perspectives hosted by New Day Films.
Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Copper Square documents how a trailblazing housing organizer and her diverse working class neighbors fight Robert Moses, the real estate industry and five mayors to create the first Community Land Trust in New York City - an oasis of permanent low-income housing in the heart of the rapidly gentrifying Lower East Side.
Safe Haven weaves together powerful stories of U.S. war resisters who sought refuge in Canada during wars in Vietnam and Iraq. The film shows how Vietnam era resisters participated in a movement to support the younger generation of U.S. soldiers. Safe Haven exposes realities and myths of Canada as refuge.