Good News Corner

A spot to recognize achievements of particular merit by filmmakers within the New Day Films collective.
Luis Argueta wins Global Citizen Award from Peace Corps!
New Day filmmaker Luis Argueta, of Guatemala, will be awarded the National Peace Corps Association’s (NPCA) 2019 Harris Wofford Global Citizen Award in June. The award honors an outstanding global leader who grew up in a country where Peace Corps Volunteers served, whose life was influenced by Peace Corps, and whose career contributed significantly to their nation and the world in ways that reflect shared values in human dignity and economic, social, and political development. It is the highest honor bestowed upon a global leader by NPCA.
Watch films directed by Luis.
Read more about his Global Citizen Award.

Robin Lung’s Finding Kukan recognized by the American Library Association
The American Library Association (ALA) has just released its 2019 List of Notable Videos for Adults, and we're delighted to announce that New Day filmmaker Robin Lung's Finding Kukan has been selected! The ALA's list of 15 films was carefully curated from videos released over the past two years, and is meant for use by librarians and the general public. Its purpose is to call attention to recent releases that make a significant contribution to the world of video. Finding Kukan takes a look at the life of Li Ling-Ai, the uncredited female film producer who co-produced Kukan, the 1942 Academy Award-winning documentary film on China that was lost for years.
You can learn more and purchase your own copy.