Highlights from the APA Conference

Gigi, from the APA social media team, just attended two New Day Films screenings of Concrete, Steel & Paint, a film about crime, restoration and healing (by Cindy Burstein, pictured here) and Seeking Asian Female (an eccentric modern love story about an aging white man with “yellow fever” and the young Chinese bride he finds online).
Day 1 of the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, DC. We're ready to go at Exhibit Booth 144! Stop by and meet the filmmakers!
Day One: Great day today at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention! It began with screenings of Seeking Asian Female and Concrete, Steel & Paint, followed by engaging conversations at our exhibit booth with APA members, encounters with trick or treaters, and the drawing of our first raffle! Looking forward to tomorrow....

Seeking Asian Female buttons pique interest from our booth visitors!

Meera Rastogi, APA member and Film Festival committee programmer, stops by to say hello!

New Day member Mike Fountain selects the first of our four raffle winners to win a free DVD!

A glimpse into the APA Film Festival screening room.
Day Two: And the fun continues! Booth visitors are enthusiastic, I'm Just Anneke screens with LGBT shorts and packs the house, and an educator tells us a story that had us in awe... he met his husband at a screening of Daddy and Papa! Wow. It's a New Day, everyday, here at the APA.

New Day member Leena Jayaswal is ready for APA!

APA Film Festival Programmer Robert Simmermon stops by the New Day Films Exhibit Booth to welcome us and say hello!

I'm Just Anneke screens with LGBT Shorts at APA Film Festival to a packed house!

Roxy, from Modesto Junior College, made it a priority to see I'm Just Anneke at the APA Film Festival! "This short film is a valuable tool as I begin my profession as a child and family advocate and in my work as a student government leader on my college campus."

Daniel has us in awe after telling us his story... that he met his husband 12 years ago at a screening of the New Day films title Daddy & Papa!

New Day was here!
Day Three: Danny (pictured yesterday-he met his husband at a screening of Daddy & Papa) returns today to introduce us to the family... a treat, indeed! A booth visitor thanked us for our LGBT content, especially related to transgender youth. Filmmaker, Corin Wilson, and friend of Concrete, Steel & Paint stops by to lend a hand. Creativity is in the air! Hearts and minds are open at APA.

Danny and Steven stopped by with the whole family to say hello! They met at a screening of the New Day Film Daddy & Papa... twelve years ago, and celebrate that date as their anniversary! Congratulations. New Day Films is sharing the love.

Filmmaker Corin Wilson stops by to lend a hand for New Day Films!

APA is building community through art making.

Professor Mark Cooper leads the art-making project.

"The creative spirit is at the core of the psych." Hmmmm... this sounds a lot like New Day Films!
Day Four: The final day kicks off with a morning screening of Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines... POW! And one of our raffle winners, a high school principal, picks Straightlaced- How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up as his prize! It's been a rewarding stretch in DC. 4 days, 4 screenings, and hundreds of new encounters. We look forward to continuing the connection. Thank you, APA!

Simone from Goddard College meets New Day Films at the screening of Wonder Women! "This film took me back to my childhood, and got me thinking across the decades!"

New Day Films enjoyed having 4 titles from our collection screen this year!

High school principal, and New Day Films raffle winner, John O'Dell, is interested in opening up the dialogue with guidance counselors, parents and students with Straightlaced- How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up!

Mary Anne Dornbusch, APA Convention Manager and Film Festival Program Committee Liaison, stops by to say hello!

All of our candy is gone. It must really be time to go!!

That's a wrap! Thank you, APA.